Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!
Thanks again to Lydia for her awesome Christmas present to the community, Reconciliation: The Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu. I've only just started it (and I know you all will eventually get to read it), but I thought I'd share some things that caught my eye for one reason or another:

"A self-sufficient human being is subhuman. I have gifts you do not have, so, consequently, I am unique--you have gifts that I do not have, so you are unique. God has made us so that we each need each other. We are made for a delicate network of interdependence. We see it on a macro level. Not even the most powerful nations in the world can be self-sufficient." -Desmond Tutu, "God's Dream" (1992)

in a discussion of being interdependent, the role of an individual, and God's love, this came up:
"God's love is what gives us our worth...So we are liberated from the desire to achieve, to impress. We are children of divine love and nothing can change that fundamental fact about us." -Tutu



Anonymous said...

First thought, Merry Christmas family! I have been thinking about you all so much and keep thinking about next year. These next months will be like an advent, waiting for the birth of our community. Santa has added some great books to our library, get excited. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Have a blessed Chritmas!



Anonymous said...

Hello wonderful people!!
Merry Christmas!
I have lots of gifts to add for the community.....13 new knives!!! which Food not Bombs will use until the summer. Then my family had me go through all my grandparents old household stuff so I have lots more pots and pans and serving stuff. Tis great fun. And my dad built me a beautiful spice rack! Oh the joys of the next year! Love you all! Thanks for the Tutu quotes. I love our name!
